Basics About the Lower Body Lift

Unhappy with the way your abs, thighs, and butt look? You do not need to undergo several cosmetic surgeries in order to solve your body problems from the waist down. All you need to do is sign up for a lower body lift, which serves as an all-in-one surgery for the areas located below your waistline. But before you decide to get this procedure, read the rest of the article first to give you a comprehensive picture of what a lower body lift entails.

What exactly is involved in a lower body lift?

The lower body lift procedure includes making a small incision that extends around your back to the hips, lower thighs, and abdomen. The skin is lifted and tightened and any excess is trimmed away. This helps to tighten and tone your “lower body”, defined as the area where a belt would lie and below. The surgery begins at the lower back and moves to the front of the body, over the hips, “saddlebags” or outer thighs, and then to your abdomen. Liposuction is used to help with the contouring of your hips, thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. This gets rid of any stubborn pockets of fat. When the desired contour is achieved, the final suturing is strategically made to create the final lift. Don’t worry though; the incisions will become scars that are easily hidden by your regular clothing.

What is the recovery like after body contouring – lower body lift surgery?

After surgery, you will experience swelling and some bruising. The use of compression garments and drains will help to rid your body of the excess fluid buildup that forms after surgery. Complete healing and recovery may take a month to six weeks, with final results not being fully achieved until about six months down the road. You should have someone to support you at home through the initial week or so of recovery.

Am I a good candidate for a belt lipectomy?

Do you have:

  • Loose skin on your buttocks or back of the thighs?
  • Loose skin on the hips and sides of the thighs?
  • Loose skin on the front of your thighs?
  • Loose skin on your abdomen?

If you answered yes to any combination of the above questions, you may be a good candidate for lower body contouring. If you only answered yes to one question, a single procedure like a tummy tuck, a thigh lift or a butt augmentation may be more appropriate. You must consider your tolerance for scarring before you book this procedure. You will have visible scars but they will easily be hidden in regular clothing. Finally, you must be at a stable, healthy weight and be in excellent health before considering the lower body lift procedure. Weight fluctuations will affect your results, and we want to be sure they are fantastic and long-lasting.

Will insurance cover my lower body lift?

If there is a medical reason for you to have a lower body lift, your insurance company may cover it. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff will work with your insurance company to obtain the proper authorization for the procedure(s). If your insurance will not cover it, the cost may be defrayed by other medically necessary procedures. These could include hernia repair or gynecological surgeries.

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