Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction: What’s the Difference?

Many people often confuse tummy tuck vs. liposuction, thinking that they are the same thing.

And while they both help you achieve your goals of having a flatter and more contoured tummy, they have several differences that you should be aware of before committing to undergo any of them.

Wondering which procedure is the best for you? Read on and assess whether a tummy tuck or liposuction is best for you.

You Need a Tummy Tuck if…

You want to remove excess skin.

If the main problem in your abdominal area is excess sagging skin, then a tummy tuck is better suited for you.

Liposuction alone won’t be able to get rid of excess skin. However, a tummy tuck trims loose skin and reduces stubborn fat deposits, making it a good choice for those who developed sagging skin because of pregnancy or massive weight loss.

Scars don’t bother you as much.

A tummy tuck is an invasive procedure that often involves two incisions – one horizontal incision from hip to hip and another around your belly button for repositioning. Sometimes, a vertical incision may be needed.

If all these scars are okay with you, then you can sign up for a tummy tuck.

You’re willing to undergo a longer recovery.

With a tummy tuck, you should be prepared to have at least two weeks of downtime. Abdominoplasty requires general anesthesia, which is why you need a longer recovery time than liposuction.

You should also avoid doing strenuous activities for up to six weeks after your tummy tuck surgery.

You have loose abdominal muscles.

A tummy tuck also involves muscle repair and tightening most of the time, especially if the abdominal muscles are loose and separated. This is common among women who already had multiple pregnancies.

You Need a Liposuction if…

You want to get rid of excess fat.

Is excess tummy fat your main issue rather than skin laxity? Then you will get great results with liposuction because it suctions out stubborn fatty deposits in your belly area.

You don’t want to have huge scars.

Unlike a tummy tuck, liposuction doesn’t involve huge scars. The incisions are smaller – just enough to allow the cannula to enter your abdomen and siphon fatty deposits. They eventually become nearly unnoticeable as time goes by.

You need to be up and about the soonest time possible.

Since liposuction is less invasive than a tummy tuck, the procedure can be performed using local anesthesia. Thus, it doesn’t have as much of downtime as a tummy tuck, allowing you to go back to work within a few days post-op.

You have good skin elasticity.

Skin elasticity is one of the requirements for getting liposuction. If your skin isn’t elastic enough, you might end up with hanging skin right after your liposuction.

Either way, both a tummy tuck and lipo can help you achieve a smoother and flatter tummy. You can also combine the two procedures if they can help you achieve your body goals.

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